And so, now, in what's essentially the busiest my life has ever been, I've decided to try again. I'm more serious about writing, as I think it's a gift I have, and I need to use that gift. Not only to exercise it--though, that's a large reason. But also because words and writing are extremely powerful. Definitely historically, but I think it's just as important today, just, in somewhat different ways.
Even in this modern, technical, visual culture, words (which are the expressions of thoughts) are the driving force behind them. We saw it in this last presidential election. The words and speeches of the candidates were able to sway and, alternatively, repulse the convictions of the American people.
This and numerous other examples show how writing is still vital today, and with it a lot of good, as well as a lot of bad, can be done.
So, basically, all that's to say: the purpose of this blog is to write. It's for me to express my creativity and my interests and my worldview through writing. Hopefully frequent writing. I know, that's a pretty broad area to cover; I've never been good at narrowing down my writing. I write every genre I can think of, and I write in every method I can think of (short story, novel, paper, poem, song, script, play, etc.).
But I also know that it's hard to go back to a blog about everything. In this industry, it's best to have a specialty. A niche. A talent.
Well, the most consitent part of this blog will be the fact that it comes from me, and my worldview. I'll try to keep on a general theme, but I can tell you now it won't last. But this is primarily a place for me to get things off of my mind, or spread things I think need spreading.
So, thank you for reading. After this the posts will be more interesting. But I think an introduction was needed in this case. Speaking of which...
You're probably wondering what the title of the blog means. It comes from a song, "The Young and the Brutal", by a band called House of Heroes. (I suggest you listen to the song, although the whole album's great.)
When looking for a title, this song sprung to my head, and looking over the lyrics, it perfectly fits.
It's about a generation of kids who are apathetic, uninspired, and shy about faith and God. And I'm one of those kids. It's asking God for the faith we need to be faithful, for the will to stand up and do what we should. And it really hits home.
So this is me. This is my endeavor. I hope you can find some enjoyment or use in what I write. Thank you for reading. I hope you'll come back.
-Micah McFarland
I'll come back!!! XD