So, I guess this makes the third post about getting glasses. 'Cause I actually have 'em now. Today is my first day wearing them, so I'm still getting used to them. But wow, I never knew words could look this good before.
It's weird to think that I've gone my whole life, never having seen words the way that most people see them. It's especially weird, since I'm a writer, and I deal with words all the time. Kind of ironic. Also kind of ironic is the fact that I'm a filmmaker, and yet I have flawed vision. A field that is so very visual and relies on sight, in which I have a vision and express to the world that vision that I see, and yet I can't even rely on my own eyes completely. 'Tis odd.
Now, I'm not blind, so it's not actually all that dramatic. My vision really isn't that bad. I've just been putting a lot of strain on my eyes. But crikey, do these things make a difference. It really is remarkable how different things look to me (at least close-up things). Screens, paper, books, cellphones; it's like a veil has lifted from my eyes and now I see everything clearly.
One example that should illustrate the difference is that today on the drive over to Mason to edit Absolution, I tried reading a chapter in my Improv book, to see if my glasses helped with my ability to read in the car. And oh my goodness, they did. For the first time, well, ever, I read a book in the car for an extended period of time and felt...nothing. No headaches, no motion sickness, no dizzyness. I've never been able to do that. I can't tell you how amazing that feels.
As an added plus, I think they look pretty spankin', too. I like the look, even if it is only part time. Besides, now I really look like a geek writer.

On a similar but more philosophical note, I want to talk a little bit about mortality, namely my own. It's a really weird thing that's been dawning on me, especially now when I'm supposedly in my prime, but it has been. I've really been seeing the limitations of this physical body. Obviously, the fact that I need glasses is one of the indicators. But I've also just been faced with different things that make me realize that, if I'm not careful enough, or if I misjudge something, I could do serious, permanent damage to myself. And if I don't take care of my body, I won't be able to do all the things I want to do.
And, frankly, I probably don't have the time to do everything I want to do in my life. Of course, I'll have plenty of time to do a lot--if not most--of it. But not everything. I have to make choices and sacrifices. Novel concept, I know. But there's one thing to know that intellectually, and it's another to know it from experience and realization.
Sorry for the no-funny post today. I'll think up a good knock-knock joke for next time. And don't worry, I'm not depressed or anything. Just more motivated to get this show on the road.
You get funny points for the "crikey" in your post though.